Join our referral program and receive an ongoing 20% commission for new clients
How It Works
Know a business that needs IT services? Perhaps they're unsatisfied with their existing IT guy. Simply refer us to any new client using the
form below, and we'll send 20% of ongoing comissions from that client to you, for the life of the contract. You don't need to do
Xiitec has been serving the Vancouver business community for over 6 years. We strive to provide the highest level of serivce - and as a result our client retention and satisfaction rates are extremely high. It's important to us that anyone you refer is going to thank you for the favor!
Find Out More
Contact Us to find out more about what we can do.
- Email and web hosting
- Server Management, Wintel, unix, linux
- Network Management, switching, routing, firewalls
- User Support
- Application Development
- Security, Performance & Best Practices consulting